I'm not sure what took so long but it's only been in the last year that we have been told that we all need way more vitamin D than the former daily amount we were told we needed. It not only helps with stronger bones but helps fight certain cancers as well.
My doc said he's testing the D levels of all his patients. When he checked my D it came back way too low and he put me on a prescription for D, a once a week capsule for 3 months. Apparently it did the trick as my D shot right up to normal. Only problem was my sensitivity to aspirin. The prescribed D has an aspirin product in it and it made me ache. I can take an over the counter vitamin D, 2000 units, now and it's safe for me. (I take it with calcium on the side) My teeth might have fared much better cavity wise had this info been available long ago! He suggested this amount even after my D normalized.
My sister also happened to be on the same vit.D therapy as me only a few weeks earlier. She found her aches disappearing as the D was helping to heal her. Others who've opted to give the vitamin a try without getting a test also found that aches and pains, from what they believed was arthritis, are also finding that it relieves these aches.
There is one other interesting quality that my sis has noticed, the vitamin has given her a sense of fullness after eating that she never had before. I never knew this "secret" though she was always a "big" girl, by nature. I learned that she never had a shut off feeling, like many of us feel when we've eaten too much. She walked, she tried diets, and then she finally accepted herself as being big. She ate privately and hates when anyone eats in front of her but she also has a busy life with teen boys and is going to school herself in the last few years. When my mom stayed at her house she noticed that my sis could eat huge amounts of food....enough for several people. My mom can eat so she wasn't being cruel but was seriously concerned. I hope not to offend anyone. I feel that those who binge have a legitimate ED which needs attention and the more natural the treatment the better.
So, will vitamin D cure that broken shut off or "I've had enough" feeling? I'm not sure. Maybe it will help. It certainly doesn't hurt that she now eats less because she can feel fullness! Now that we are speaking openly about it I can ask her how she's doing. She feels that it's had an amazing effect on her health. It may be something to do with any deficiency...not just D. I'm not sure.
I just wanted this info out here because others may be noting a similar experience. I'd like some feedback on this. Maybe we would have figured this out a long time ago if people talked the way we do on the internet today.
It may be a good idea to get your vitamin D levels checked on your next checkup or just add it to your list of nutrients you might/probably need more of.